Danball Senki Wiki

The Core Memory (コアメモリー) Core memory icon are the storage chips required for an LBX to utilize an Attack Function. No more than 4 Attack Functions can be set depending on the chip's setting space. Its free to insert any type of function, but the function will be inoperable if the correct weapon is not set.

In the anime, the more an LBX model battles, the more data gets recorded into the core memory allowing new Attack Functions to be unlocked.

List in Danball Senki to Baku BOOST

Item Name Regular Hissatsu icon Super Chou hissatsu icon Slot Space Price Obtainable Location
X-00 2 1
- AX-00 Initial Equipment

(Episode 1)

Slim Vial 2 0
1600c All Model Shops

(Episode 2)

Lite Pink S 1 1
1600c All Model Shops

(Episode 2)

Tri-Pillar DX 0 2
3900c Navarro's Model Shop
(Episode 5

Capsule Toy Machine, Series 9 - Gillman HG

Giga-Clock XT 3 0


3900c Navarro's Model Shop
(Episode 5)

Capsule Toy Machine, Series 7 - Kunoichi HG
Angel Star - Bottom Floor Storehouse (as of Episode 4)

Fang R 2 1


- Comes with Destroyer

List in Danball Senki W

Item Name Regular Hissatsu icon Super Chou hissatsu icon Slot Space Price Obtainable Location

Notes and Tips
